BFP: CD 28 (11 DPO) - 6th November 2008
Left us on the 10th of December 2008 (8 weeks 1 day)
Partial Natural Miscarriage, followed by a D&C 14th December 2008
The 6th of November 2008 was one of the happiest days of my life. I woke up and just thought 'I'm going to do a pregnancy test'. I don't know why I thought that, but I just did... And I was so surprised when I saw that second line come up on the test meaning that I was pregnant !!
My husband was away at the time (working), so I didn't have anyone to tell straight away. I was so excited and happy that I was literally shaking... This was only our 2nd month of trying, and I never expected it to work so quickly.
I ended up sending my husband a picture message with a photo of the positive test, but then got impatient and sent a text message saying 'ring me as soon as you can'. So he got the test message first and rang me before he saw the photo. So I told him to get off the phone and check his other messages first and then ring me back.
When he rang back, he was even more excited then I was... he was going to be a dad !! Our dream was coming true... and we made sure to tell our whole family the fantastic news !! Everyone was excited for us !!
At about 6 weeks I started having a small amount of spotting. It was only in the mornings and I wasn't too worried. After all, getting pregnant meant a baby at the end of 9 months... right?!?
After almost of week of this though (at 6 wks 6 days) I started to get a little worried, and ended up going to the hospital. We got to have our first ultrasound, and it was the most amazing experience !! We saw the little flashing dot on the screen that was our baby's heart beat. I had never seen anything like this in my life, and it made me feel confident that everything was going to be okay.
They did tell us though that the baby was measuring 8 days younger then what it should be, and they said I must have had my dates wrong. I knew the dates weren't wrong, but I didn't worry because I thought for sure that measurements could be out without it being a problem.
We also found out at the hospital that my blood type was O Negative (my husband is A Positive), and I had to have an Anti D immunoglobin injection to prevent antibodies developing in my blood stream. Antibodies can build up when the baby and the mother's blood mixes during a threatened miscarriage, a miscarriage, and birth (if they have opposite blood types). Antibodies can then fight what it considers to be 'foreign invaders'(or a baby). Once you have antibodies in your blood stream, there is no way of getting rid of them.
About a week and a half later we found out that our baby was gone... The strange thing was that I knew the baby was gone even before the Doctors confirmed it. I just had a feeling that everything was not okay, and I didn't 'feel' pregnant at all. It's true when they say 'trust your instincts'.
On Saturday, the 13th of December 2008 I ended up going to the hospital and having another scan to see what was going on. They found that the baby was still in there, but obviously with no heartbeat. The lady who did the scan printed out the ultrasound photograph and gave it to me. I remember thinking how unfair it was that my first ever photo to take home was one of my baby when he/she had already passed away, and not one of a healthy baby. It was one of the saddest days of my life. All my hopes and dreams were taken away, and I only felt helpless and empty.
Early Sunday morning I miscarried the majority of the baby naturally (and very painfully), and then after 8 hours at the hospital (staying in the maternity ward) I had my first D&C. It was hard to be in the Maternity Ward without a baby... I could hear other babies crying, and could see pregnant women walking past my room, and right next to my bed was one of those hospital baby cribs... I felt completely numb to everything !! This wasn't meant to happen to me...
I just want to say sorry for the advice that I gave you. You rung me asking for advice and all I could do was give you advice based on what I had experienced. I did not think about the other possible complications. You were worried about the spotting and I said not to worry because I had had spotting and it was was not a concern for me. I am so sorry.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea of the extent of your pain. I wish I could take that advice back, maybe it would have made a difference and you would not have lost your baby.